Dr. Hiram Larew along with Aaron R, winner of the 2018 World Food Poetry Day competition, will participate in the 2020 Summit Universities Fighting World Hunger:
http://dhn.ca.uky.edu/summit2020 The session Seeing What’s Wildly Possible Session 1 – Policy & Poetry: Hunger Advocacy through the Arts will be held on March 19th. From the description of this session: Poetry X Hunger recently implemented the 2018 World Food Day Poetry Competition which was sponsored by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization.The winner of that competition, AaronR, will perform his work and provide tips for including poets and poetry in anti-hunger efforts. Participants will learn how to facilitate the writing and use of poems that "look into a bare cupboard." This session will inspire and inform everyone to speak out about hunger with a confident, engaging, and authentic message.
Alarms are sounding. Famine seems eminent in Zimbabwe as the new decade opens. More than half of the country's population are already food insecure. Yes, hunger's claws are as sharp as ever.
Poets may want to respond. Here's an article about the situation - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-09-20/worst-ever-famine-threatens-zimbabwe-as-economy-collapses Here's a recent article about a new food bank at Bowie State University. It provides one more indication of hunger among students on campuses. Thanks to poet, Jesse Alexander, for sharing the link.
https://wjla.com/news/local/bowie-state-university-food-pantry?fbclid=IwAR2Ck9rl-8ZXvkEaSR9TE2pNguLYC4-tAPQcaYnQ5H9hoRKqYE8iolO2Szk Taking steps through reading to learn more about food and its many facetsHere is a link to an interview with Hillary Dodge, the author of the book Gather ‘Round the Table: Food Literacy Programs, Resources, and Ideas for Libraries, in ALA Store, (American Library Association), in which she talks about her views on the importance of integrating food literacy in educational programs, using various resources in libraries and ideas for conducting community food assessments:
https://www.alastore.ala.org/foodliteracyinterview?_zs=VD1Ci1&_zl=ruMW6 Ms. Ashley Shunk, a teacher in Honduras, included hunger poems by Aaron R and others, and information about Poetry X Hunger in a recent webinar. After presenting to the European Union's Scientix group, a community of science educators in Europe, she wrote that the 100 attendees enjoyed her remarks, and that many were interested in using poetry as a way to engage students and the public in discussions about the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 2 that calls for the end of hunger worldwide -- Zero Hunger.
Hunger Action Work group of the Maryland Food Bank created a hunger map which you can explore HERE. The tool allows one to explore the state of hunger in the state.
Below is the screenshot of the map tool. PoetryXHunger's Dr. Hiram Larew and Poet Aaron R participated in the conference for agricultural educators organized by the Pennsylvania State University GLAG20. Here is more information about the conference. They talked about the role of poetry as a teaching resource and poet Aaron R presented his poem which won the World Food Day Poetry competition in 2018.
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