In anticipation of Thanksgiving feast, fifteen poets joined forces on November 23, 2019 to powerfully present a Poetry X Hunger reading at a new arts hub called Creative Suitland in Suitland, MD. The many who attended heard a wonderful variety of amazing, heartfelt poems in all styles, voices and passions.
Presenters were Henry Crawford, Sharon Ingram, Anne Harding Woodworth, Sylvia Dianne "Ladi Di" Beverly, J. Joy "Sistah Joy" Matthews Alford, Jesse Alexander, Aressa Williams, Brenda Bunting, Mike Ratcliffe, Jeffrey "BigHomey" Banks, Emille Bryant, Diane Wilbon Parks, Nala Washington and other Prince George's County Youth Poet Laureate Ambassadors, and Hiram Larew. We also presented a poem by Forestine Bynum. Thanks to the Creative Suitland team of Brooke Kidd, Brittany Barbour and Indigo Wakatama for hosting! Pictured are Brenda and Nala.
'Tis mighty good and much fun to be on this list with friend and fine poet, Judy Kronenfeld. Thanks to the folks at the literary journal, North of Oxford, for compiling the information. And, to inspirational poet Miss Kiane Thomas for offering the starting point prompt -- "When I was seventeen...
Full list can be found HERE. Confronted with the national reality that two in five college students are skipping meals to keep the lights on, the Oregon State community is saying enough is enough.
This giving season, Beavers all over the world are coming together to address student hunger at OSU. Your gift to Beavers Fight Hunger will directly fund resources at OSU's Human Services Resource Center (HSRC), such as the food pantry and other programs that help reduce food insecurity among our students. And by giving today, you can take advantage of a generous match to increase your impact. Just $8 is enough to buy a student a meal with their study group in the dining hall, and $20 provides a student with enough groceries from the food pantry for an entire month. Let's refuse to let OSU students go hungry: "Here are some tweets from the October 22, 2019 exciting and moving World Food Day Commemoration. Held at the US Senate Russell Building in Washington, DC the reception's program included recognition of poets who won the 2019 World Food Day Poetry Competition. Thanks to the United Nations Food and Agriculture's Office for North America for sharing the tweets. " Hope that many, many folks can join us for this pre-Thanksgiving presentation of poetry about hunger by several poets from the DMV area.
Thanks to Henry Crawford for developing the attached flyer! And thanks also to the Creative Suitland team for making the great venue available! Thanks to poet Heather Davis of the public health firm, JSI ( who shared the following hunger-focused poems by her JSI colleagues/poets from around the world. Enjoy!
The poems can be found here: To close out 2019 Hunger Free Communities Summit held at the University of the District of Columbia, Aaron R., winner of the 2018 World Food Day Poetry Competition, presented his poem, "Hunger Pains," to about 100 hunger-prevention practitioners from around the country.
Thanks to Minerva Delgado and her colleagues at the Alliance to End Hunger for hosting the meeting and for making this opportunity possible. Here are links to some recently published information on the rate of food insecurity among children and other vulnerabilities in America broken out State by State. Thanks to Tamara Murrell for sharing the info: |
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