Guidelines for Requesting Financial Support from Poetry X Hunger
Poetry X Hunger provides modest levels of support to non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations for activities that use poetry to fight hunger. To make a request, send the following information to [email protected].
1) General Info: The name of the requesting organization. Also, the organization's EIN number, its mailing and email addresses, website address, and the name and phone number of a point of contact in the organization.
2) The Proposed Activity: A one or two paragraph description of the planned activity with a clear statement of how, within the activity, poetry will be used to fight hunger. Also include how much support is being requested, and how the impact of the support will be reported back to Poetry X Hunger.
This information will be used to make a recommendation to Chesapeake Charities that a grant from Poetry X Hunger be given. to the requesting organization. Once the request is approved, a check will be sent from Chesapeake Charities to the recipient organization.
We thank all of those who have contributed donations to the cause of "Turning Poetry into Food." Donors include: Ms. Williams, Mr. Rickett, The Woodruffs, Ms. Campbell, Ms. McCarthy, Ms. Mashie, and Ms. Wendt.