Meals on Wheels features Julius the Poet in this short video:
Here's a recent Statement from the Alliance to End Hunger about the dire and rising rates of hunger around the world and in the U.S.
Statement on the Release of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021 Report WASHINGTON (July 13, 2021) – The following statement is attributed to Eric Mitchell, Executive Director of the Alliance to End Hunger. “The Alliance to End Hunger joins the global food security and nutrition community in our alarm and dismay at the rising rates of hunger and malnutrition reported in the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021. The report, also known as the SOFI report, is an annual joint publication of five United Nations agencies: FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP, and WHO. The report, released on Monday, portrays a grim picture in which a confluence of factors – climate, conflict, political and economic instability, and now the global COVID-19 pandemic – have led to rising hunger for the sixth year in a row. Between 720 million and 811 million people faced hunger in 2020, representing an estimated 18 percent rise in the prevalence of hunger in a single year. Rising hunger and malnutrition have not impacted everyone the same. The growing impacts of hunger highlight social and economic inequities faced within countries and regions around the world, with women and children affected disproportionately. We are not on track to meet the Sustainable Development Goal of ending hunger by 2030, and the world must commit to prioritizing the eradication of hunger and malnutrition. With the upcoming U.N. Food Systems Summit, Nutrition for Growth summit, and COP 26, the Alliance to End Hunger is urging the Biden Administration to strongly commit to global food security and nutrition through its representation on the global stage, and to lead on these critical issues. We know what we have to do to end hunger and malnutrition everywhere, but it will take the concerted and unwavering actions at all levels – civil society, communities, companies, governments, and individuals – to ensure that no one goes to bed hungry.” Shrida Sharma recently graduated from Oregon State University. While there, she enrolled in an Honors College Colloquium on Poetry of Hunger, and then implemented a project to raise hunger awareness on campus using poetry.
Here’s an Instagram post by Shrida Sharma, a recent graduate of Oregon State University, about her work on hunger using poetry: Poet Henry Crawford, the winner of the 2019 World Food Day Poetry Prize, recently was invited to be the 2nd Annual Poet-in-Residence at the Capital Area Food Bank in Washington, DC. We'll all be excited to see the poem and other work that he develops as a result of his Residency -- Stay tuned! In the meantime, to hear and view My Name Is Hunger, the poem written last year by Aaron R, the first Poet-in-Residence at CAFB, see here -- Thanks so much to Hilary Salmon and the team at CAFB as well as Joyce Romanus and her colleagues at St. Camillus for making all of this possible. And, hats off to Henry!
Creative Suitland Arts Center has partnered with The Capital Market and Poetry X Hunger to host a Farmer’s Market. We are looking to highlight issues around food insecurity through the art of poetry and spoken word. The farmer’s market opened on June 6th and will run every Sunday until October 31st. This is a family and community friendly event. Check out the details here: ![]()
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