A mighty big thanks to poet, Heather Davis JSI (John Snow Inc.) for inviting the 2018 and 2019 World Food Day Poetry Competition winners, Aaron R. and Henry Crawford, respectively, to present their prized poems at JSI's World Food Day Gathering on Oct 18, 2019. JSI staff members also presented some hunger-focused poems!
In the photo below from left to right: Heather Davis, Hiram Larew, Aaron R. and Henry Crawford.
Here's info on upcoming anti-hunger events sponsored by an active group of poets in Northern Virginia.
Dr. Hiram Larew offered the "One Smalle Ladleful: Poetry of Hunger" Honors colloquium at Oregon State University. Below his reflections on it:
"Thanks to Erin, Hanna, Isaac, Jacob, Maddy, Shrida and Steven! They all just completed the "One Smale Ladleful: Poetry of Hunger" Honors colloquium that Dr. Hiram Larew offered at Oregon State University this term. Over five weeks, we discussed local and global hunger issues and the ways that poetry can help in the anti-hunger cause. They visited the OSU Food Pantry. And, each student planned hunger-poetry activities on campus and around town. Yes! Thanks also to Dr. Stella Coakley who helped facilitate the sessions, to Dean Toni Doolen, Drs, Tara Williams and Kevin Stoller, and Judy David all in the Honors College for enabling the Colloquium, and to Nicole Hindes and Dan Larson for hosting the visit to the Pantry. Keep an eye on the Poetry X Hunger website (PoetryXHunger.com) for postings of some of the students' poems. " Alliance to End Hunger encourages everyone to submit or resubmit comments to protect SNAP and school meals for children to the Federal Register. You can find out more by following the link below.
See the action alert from No Kid Hungry/Share Our Strength for more information and guidance: https://bit.ly/36c77wG End Hunger UK hosted and facilitated a series of events around the Huger Week and on World Food Day, October 16th. One of the U.S. poets, Aaron R., the winner of the 2018 World Food Day Poetry competition, joined online to read his poem.
End Hunger UK has produced a 1 minute video to give everyone a flavor of the event. Find out more about the initiative here: https://www.endhungeruk.org/ Here's a power-poem about hunger by Matt Sowerby from Britain. His work has been showcased by End Hunger UK -- a very active anti-hunger group that, in cross-Atlantic links, will be showcasing Arlington, VA's AaronR's poetry. Thanks to Matt and to Annie Connolly at End Hunger UK for these connections.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVVsn0cRzyU Dear Friends,
The winners of the 2019 World Food Day Poetry Competition were announced earlier today -- World Food Day -- by the North American Liaison Office of the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization. Here's the link -- http://www.fao.org/north-america/news/detail/en/c/1238855/ Please feel free to share the announcement widely through your networks. And thanks to many, many fine poets who entered this year's Competition. All of the submitted poems were powerful and moving. I plan to feature many of them through the coming weeks and months on the Poetry X Hunger Facebook page and website. Hiram Larew Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has published a new annual report on the State of Food and Agriculture. This year, it is dedicated to the topic of food waste: http://www.fao.org/3/ca6030en/ca6030en.pdf
Dr. Hiram Larew wrote a review for Fire and Rain:
Ecopoetry of California http://www.scarlettanager.com/fire-and-rain.html Review Hunger has many neighbors -- environmental degradation lives just next door. Without a healthy environment, sustainable food production is only a dream. And so, when nearly 150 poets voice the vistas of that eco-treasure called California, the anti-hunger community tunes in. “Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California,” an award-winning anthology edited by Lucille Lang Day and Ruth Nolan (2018; Scarlet Tanager Books, Oakland, CA; 430 pp) is vast with word-painted landscapes that are at once iconic, dazzling, vanishing, daring and, most of all, haunting. The many perspectives alongside the rich array of stream-wandering wonders in this collection of poems are worth our appreciation and concern. And, while hunger isn’t mentioned, nearly every page contains a near-famished love of the hills, peaks, blooms, blaze and fur of the place. Yes! to these poems that feed us. To mark the celebration of #WorldFoodDay, Dr. Hiram Larew wrote a blog post for the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development (AIARD) featuring several poems published here, on the Poetry X Hunger Initiative website. The piece can be found here: http://www.aiard.org/aiardblog/poetry-speaks-to-hunger
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