A wonderful article was posted about PoetryXHunger initiative on Quota website recently. The article was released in conjunction with World Poetry Day.
https://quota.media/world-poetry-day-poetry-x-hunger-grabs-the-attention-of-distracted-experts-politicians/ Thank you for this feature!
Here's info on an upcoming in-person event in Michigan, USA that will feature poets reading about, among other things, poems that nurture the body:
Feed Me! A Word Feast Friday, June 11 | 7 – 8:30 pm The Glen Arbor Arts Center hosts Feed Me!, an evening of poetry and prose about feeding the mind, body and spirit, on Friday, June 11, 7 pm. Feed Me! is part of the Glen Arbor Arts Center’s exhibition Food Is Art/Art Is Food, which runs May 28 – August 19 in the GAAC gallery. The event is free and open to the public. Poets and writers will performed or read their work outdoors before a live audience at the GAAC, 6031 S. Lake St. Glen Arbor. Each writer may read up to five minutes. No pre-registration is required. Poets will be added to the evening’s readers list on a first-come basis. Feed Me! is open to all writers and poets, both children and adults, of any experience or skill level. Poems may be the work of one author or a team of writers working in any genre: poetry or prose, free verse, traditional verse, haiku, rap, beat or other experimental forms. Both previously published and unpublished work is welcome. Feed Me! is a family-friendly event. Participants are asked to share work that is consistent with the temperament of this event. To read more about the Food Is Art/Art Is Food exhibition, go to GlenArborArt.org/Exhibits. UN Food Systems Summit has featured a wonderful poem by Dr. Namukolo:
https://sdg2advocacyhub.org/news/poem-un-food-system-summit-2021 "I am your food system for you to transform" - A poem by Dr. Namukolo Covic in support of the UN Food Systems Summit 2021. Learn more here: sdg2advocacyhub.org Roger Thurow with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs shares a poem evoking the human face of domestic hunger — an issue that is too often forgotten in policy discussions:
https://www.thechicagocouncil.org/commentary-and-analysis/blogs/talking-back-hunger AaronR's poem is mentioned in the blog post. We want to thank the folks at The Capital Area Food Bank for providing AaronR with the (first of its kind) poet-in-residence opportunity, to our friends at Pennsylvania State University for hosting the GLAG21 Conference where you learned of AaronR's poem, and to our colleagues at UNFAO/LOW and Split This Rock for their ongoing support. Here's a recent post from a Washington, DC poetry initiative that includes a prominent mention of Poetry X Hunger:
Hiram Larew: the COVID Poetry & Art Project — DCTRENDING |
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January 2025