A message from Hiram Larew, founder of the Poetry X Hunger Initiative:
"As we commemorate World Food Day today, with hurry, hope and hurt, please take a minute to close your eyes. Yes, in your silence acknowledge the wonder and miracle of being well-nourished. And then, however you can, imagine the very opposite. Time permitting, also take a look at a powerful program about Food Heroes and Poetry held last Wednesday under the banner of the United Nations to commemorate World Food Day in North America. Here's a link to the 90-minute program. Poets are on mic at about 1 hour and 15 minutes into the program. World Food Day Food Heroes Dialogue - Zoom And, here's the link to the News Release about the event -- Poets call for empathy and action towards a hunger-free world | FAO in North America | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Here's a link to a hunger-focused para that was written by Basho (1644-1694) nearly 400 years ago. It reminds us that poets have been writing about hunger for many years. [Poem] For a lovely bowl by Bashō : Poetry (reddit.com)
Reprinted from Moonstone Arts Center:
Saturday October 23, 2021 – 2pm EST https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84532069956?pwd=c2VzQWMrWnN6a3oxR3ZvaVVEWS93UT09 Meeting ID: 845 3206 9956, Passcode: 704102 Poets Speak Back to Hunger: An e-Collection of Poems from Around the World Join us as we mark the publication of a ground-breaking collection of poems that Speak Back to Hunger. Several poets from near and far will read their work from the collection. We’ll have time for questions and discussion. Poetry X Hunger thanks Artwork by Diane Wilbon Parks. Poets: Josephine LoRe, Aaron R, Tqkudzwa Chipeke, Ladi DiBeverly, Tony Treanor. Host Hiram Larew A 60-minute radio program with food-focused author, Frances Moore Lapée who has said -- "Hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food, but by a scarcity of democracy."
Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kpfa-a-rude-awakening/id988902088?i=1000537243022 Thanks again to Ms. Judith Krummeck of Classical Radio WBJC 91.5 FM in Baltimore, Maryland (USA) for hosting a 4-minute "Booknotes" showcase of poetry about hunger in recognition of upcoming World Food Day (October 16).
It was an honor to visit with her on air about this work. Visit the link below: Booknotes + Poetry X Hunger « WBJC Take a look at the latest issue:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c7H7847_jbCffF52SbpyeOsMO3unCNG5/view As written by Hiram Larew, PoetryXHunger Initiative founder:
"Take 5 minutes to watch ANY portion of this recording, and I guarantee: You'll be convinced that Poetry DOES, CAN and MUST Speak Back to Hunger." https://youtu.be/qJP4jx3uWoI This 60-minute program consists of powerful offerings by poets from around the world and by two leading anti-hunger experts. As hunger rates rise in the US and around the world, poets are bringing their talents to bear to fight back. As the recording demonstrates, poetry reaches hearts and minds like nothing else can. Thanks to all who made the event possible -- Aaron R, Diane Wilbon Parks, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Sistah Joy Alford, the Capital Area Food Bank, Rebecca Roach, Henry Crawford, Minerva Delgado, Ger Duffy, Josephine LoRe, Roger Thurow, Maryland State Arts Council, Brian Donnell James, Jordan Culmer, Imani West and Patience Gumbo -- to name a few. A Call for Poetry from NatureCulture has a deadline of December 31st: https://www.nature-culture.net/calls-for-submissions
And here are the links to websites for NatureCulture and Writing the Land -- https://nature-culture.net https://writingtheland.org |
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January 2025