August 26, 2023 -- Elizabeth Gracen and Gene Ann (Annie) Newcomer of Flapper Press have been gracious enough to publish an article about Poetry X Hunger. And, they've showcased three wonderful Poetry X Hunger poems by Brenardo Taylor, Christina Daub and Brian Manyati.
Here's the link to the article -- Hiram Larew Joins the Flapper Press Team Here's the link to the Flapper Press website -- https://www.flapperpress.com/ Here's an inspiring story! In this 14-minute interview, Rhonda L. Watson, the Founder and CEO of Roots for Life (Roots for Life (roots-for-life.org), describes how her organization is helping to address hunger and food insecurity in Washington, DC, USA. She also discusses how this grassroots volunteer organization has recently used the power of poetry to raise needed funds, specifically for refrigeration equipment that will be used to store food for distribution. Here's the link -- https://youtu.be/JjTp9incVvY
In this 15-minute video, poet and educator, Linda Trott Dickman, visits with Poetry X Hunger's Hiram Larew about the role of poetry in learning and in fighting hunger. She also reads one of her poems from the Poetry X Hunger website.
In this 20-minute visit, the trail-blazing and ever-enthusiastic Drs. Melanie Miller-Foster and Daniel Foster of Pennsylvania State University discuss their work to engage with and provide help to educators in the agricultural sciences and beyond. They specifically discuss why and how the Global Learning in AGriculture (GLAG) initiative that they started showcases poetry and other Arts as a potent teaching tool. Learn more about GLAG by going to https://global-teach-ag-network.mn.co/spaces/9299994/feed
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August 2024