Nothing. Slobber and swallow until your stomach is full of sweet, sweet nothing. Like millions each year, try to please your craving with diluted, polluted “food” As others claw for buried scraps we dump perfection just out of reach Our speech could teach these friends in need, yet wonderful ideas of Agroecology, One Health, and micronutrients are unheard of. Let’s be the social change and rebalance the tipped scales of history Let’s eat Iron, Zinc,and Vitamins to work hard and feel good Why is this a dream and not life itself? The answers are locked away. Kept exclusive in privileged classrooms with students taking notes on others suffering staring at a screen half asleep and frigid to the door of opportunity. We shut it closed and walk away only to brush off, “Poor them” And leave once the clock runs out. ![]() I am a Sophomore at UC Davis studying food science. One of my hobbies is creating musical projects with my sister, that you can find here:
1 Comment
4/7/2023 03:34:24 pm
This poem truly touched me. Thank you for this work of art.
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PoemsThese poems were written by young poets Archives
June 2024