Aid and Development All across the land indigenous people despair, They have limited fresh produce to eat or share. They have rice and empty calories galore, But micronutrients are what they need more. Who do we trust to help them be free From the suppressive hunger they want to flee? They have the knowledge and the will, But no empowerment to teach their skill. What holds them back from prosperity? Corrupt politicians, unstable food chains, you, me? Who is to blame for the hunger epidemic One which is exacerbated by the current pandemic? Is it the aid organizations that keep people dependent? Or the historical colonizers of which some are descendent? Is it the political institutions that cannot seem to stabilize? Or the countries that fund corruption under their aid disguise? The indigenous people will fight back and rise up and publicize The injustices they face daily, which make us empathize To their experiences, ones we cannot normalize. The hunger and instability which will terrorize, Until the world powers finally decide to decolonize. What we need now is to give back the power To the indigenous folks with all the brainpowers. The knowledge that is in their hearts and souls, Will help their communities to reach their nutrition goals. Click on the file below to listen to Allison read her poem: ![]()
![]() Allison Rose is a University of California, Davis undergraduate majoring in International Agriculture Development and minoring in Environmental Policy and Planning. She has major interests in environmental justice and food equity. She hopes to be a part of the solution to environmental racism by working with agriculture and agricultural communities.
PoemsThese poems were written by young poets Archives
June 2024