His name is Steven He is 10 His ribs poke out of his skin His legs quiver as he walks His back telling stories no book has the spine to carry All because people don’t want their last bites They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure But they forgot that one man’s trash can be another man’s life, his livelihood I can hear the cries of a child saying “mama I’m hungry” It’s toxic waste he walks into a store looking for something healthy to eat on a budget just about 1$ to spend but the salad he wants is 5.00 vs the mcdonald’s hamburger that’s .99 Where in other places they throw away their $2 ones America is the capital of obesity but strutting the authority to exercise but what about the kids who are food deprived starving themselves to feel like they fit in While others throw away food for sport toxic waste her name is amber she has insecurities she doesn’t get enough to eat at home She walks down the halls of her high-school And the kids tease her Because she’s thin, fragile to touch but what they failed to realize is amber’s family has no money they judged her by the appearances she ended up starving herself to feel accepted Just to trim her waist Her family afraid that she’ll waste away Toxic waste when you fix your plate the first thing you think of when you get full is to throw away your scraps But what you don’t understand is that all you’re doing is adding to the Toxic Waste Click on the file below to see the recording of the poem: ![]()
Hunger Spell
I’m hungry stomach growling as I crave for food mouth watery as flavors lurk in my thoughts and my mood changes they say ”food doesn’t happen without work “ but what happens to those who are looked past and forgotten? starved and deprived with no years supply This became my life add a pinch of truth mix in a heaping table spoon of want I’m so hungry Food stamps haven’t come in so wheat bread, processed ham or turkey, & mayonnaise sandwiches with water is what I’m devouring Oh good my “favorite “ or maybe I’m used to it - it was cheap & easy to fix fast and quick Better meals I’ve prayed for it I’m not trying to be a disturbance to the system but I’m hungry You must not understand my language so allow me to reverse the script Step into my shoes Open your ears and hear your stomach speak It’s desire for you to eat I’m hungry and my spell is on you Now tell me Aren’t you hungry too? |
PoemsThese poems were written by young poets Archives
June 2024