Hambre Hambre, aquella que no hace ninguna distinción Sin importar idioma, edad, o color La sensación que come nuestras entrañas sin compasión Para muchos, es el motivo de su dolor El sueño más cruel, es el de aquellos que duermen para olvidar Que su estómago ruge, cual león enfurecido Y entre lágrimas les toca desahogar, el sufrimiento de sentir un estómago destruido. El pequeño destello de luz en un día lleno de oscuridad es aquel dulce corazón, que comparte algo de pan; aquel que intenta comprender esa necesidad y el alma hambrienta intenta apaciguar. ¿En verdad creen que esto se debe tomar a la ligera? ¿Ignorar a la persona que en agonía desespera? Alimento limpio, nutritivo y seguro, no es una opción, es un derecho. Que sean atendidas las personas en apuro Y que no solo sea una promesa, sino un hecho. Levántense, gigantes que duermen al ver la necesidad. Que se acabe ya la falta de comprensión y crueldad. Que sean atendidos los sollozos de este pueblo Dios interviene para que haya un arreglo. Así que seamos consientes y ayudemos a todo el que podamos en esta tierra, y juntos contra el hambre, ganemos esta guerra. Hungry Hunger, the one that makes no distinction Regardless of language, age, or color The feeling that eats our guts without compassion For many, it is the reason for their pain The cruelest dream is that of those who sleep to forget That his stomach roars like an enraged lion And between tears they have to vent, the suffering of feeling a destroyed stomach. The little flash of light on a day full of darkness it is that sweet heart, that shares some bread; the one who tries to understand that need and the hungry soul tries to appease. Do you really think this should be taken lightly? Ignore the person in agony in despair? Clean, nutritious and safe food, It is not an option, it is a right. That people in distress be cared for And that is not just a promise, but a fact. Arise, giants who sleep when you see the need. Let the lack of understanding and cruelty come to an end. Let the sobs of this town be attended to God intervenes so that there is an arrangement. So let's be aware and help everyone we can on this earth, and together against hunger, let's win this war. Click on the file below to watch the video: ![]()
Heyssel Mariel Molinares Sosa, curso el año Duodécimo sección 2 Desarrollo Agropecuario en el Centro Tecnico Vocacional Pedro Nufio, tiene 17 años
Le gusta mucho tocar la guitarra, hablar en público y le encanta servir en su Iglesia: " Hace 6 años empece a escribir poemas, y me encanta hacerlo ya que es una manera en la que expreso mi pensar, mis emociones, la manera en la que encuentro belleza a mi alrededor, entre cosas. Para escribir el poema "Hambre" quise ponerme en el lugar de las personas que sufren a causa de no tener acceso al alimento necesario, investigue sobre el tema y sentí dolor en mi corazón al ver la situación en la que se encuentran muchas personas, y quise a través de mi poema expresar lo que esas personas están sintiendo, y de esa manera con ayuda de Dios comencé a escribir y me encariñe en especial con este poema, porque considero que es un tema de suma importancia, que despierta la empatia en cada uno de nosotros, y es esencial la búsqueda de soluciones para estas personas que sufren a causa de la hambruna." Heyssel Mariel Molinares Sosa is in the twelfth year Section 2 Agricultural Development at the Pedro Nufio Vocational Technical Center, she is 17 years old. She really likes playing the guitar, speaking in public and serving in her Church. Six years ago she started writing poems. She loves doing it because it is how she expresses her thinking, her emotions, and how she finds beauty around her. According to Heyssel Mariel: "To write the poem "Hunger" I wanted to put myself in the place of people who suffer because of not having access to the necessary food. I investigated the subject and I felt pain in my heart when I saw the situation in which many people find themselves. I wanted through my poem to express what those people are feeling, and in that way, with the help of God, I began to write and became especially fond of this poem. I consider it to be an extremely important topic, which awakens empathy in each one of us, and finding solutions for these people suffering from famine is essential."
I feel pain It hurts when I wake up in the morning hungry Knowing that there won’t be breakfast for me today That means I have to go to school without eating anything I feel pain I feel pain I feel pain when I don’t eat anything in the evening I feel sad when am thinking what tomorrow brings I have to concentrate in class but my stomach asks for food I feel pain I feel pain I dreamt that I have riches somewhere But I feel sorry when I wake up I just put my life in God’s hands and I know one day my situation will change I feel pain I understand what I am I understand that one day it will be okay With God’s help and hard work I will be granted my wishes I will never be hungry again I will feel no more pain. Here's a recording of Mr. Joseph "Jagai" Banda of Malawi presenting his poem, "Hunger Pain" which he submitted to the 2021 Global Learning in Agriculture (GLAG 21) Poetry Contest: 2021 Poetry Event Finalist - Banda - YouTube Joseph "Jagai" Banda Nkhamenya attends Private Secondary School and his teacher is Phillip Mayo. |
PoemsThese poems were written by young poets Archives
June 2024