My Herd “Consumers are expected to eat 222.2 pounds of red meat and poultry this year (2018).” -- USDA “A steer weighing 1,000 pounds will average around 430 pounds of retail cuts.” -- OK Dept of Agriculture Since I was eighteen, or so, responsible for feeding myself, I have eaten twenty cows. That’s based on averages. Being honest with myself, I have probably eaten twenty-one. Now that it’s been said aloud, I feel that the onus is on me to account for them. I drink about a gallon of clean water per day and shower in perhaps nineteen more but my cows drink two hundred. Mea culpa. We eat together, too. I eat the cows, while they eat five hundred pounds of forage a day. Sorry; that sounds like a lot. Clearly, I will need a pickup truck to carry all that feed, and some fairly large shovels. Apologies to my neighbors. Also, I have to name all twenty-one and keep a waiting list of cow names, one every other year, to expand the herd. ![]() Rob Winters (Prince George’s County, MD) is a computer engineer at NASA who writes enough poetry to have something to read at local poetry events. His poems have appeared in 21: Blackjack Poetry Journal, District Lines, and Gargoyle. He lives with a poet, two cats, and a bird in Bowie, Maryland.
PoemsThese poems were recognized at the 2019 WFD Poetry Competition ArchivesPoets