HUNGER Two boys and a dog jumped the fence to steal an armful of apples. To tell it later, those long summer days were the best of their lives. Over the hills they rambled, jousting the sun, dreaming kingdoms in the corn. Talk of ships sailing for blue lands, where hunger never was, filled nights of stars ripe for the naming. Left to their own — father off somewhere, looking for work or a drink — mother home with sister and chickens that never laid enough eggs to keep a family going -- pantry nearly bare, two masonjars of tomatoes, half-sack of corn-meal, and a tin of tartar sauce. There was time and scarcely time to write in years what followed — how the old hound bayed her last, and broad seas claimed the younger brother, and how the lands beyond the blue held hunger enough. It stayed with him, that boy who grew from story to story, keeping the best parts, trying to make it all rhyme. ![]() W. Luther Jett (Montgomery County, MD) is a retired special educator. His poetry has been published in numerous journals as well as several anthologies. He is the author of two poetry chapbooks: “Not Quite: Poems Written in Search of My Father”, released by Finishing Line Press in 2015, and “Our Situation”, released by Prolific Press, 2018.
PoemsThese poems were recognized at the 2019 WFD Poetry Competition ArchivesPoets