Used to be The growl of my anger Was always louder than the growl of my stomach But not today He looks at me in fear and wonder This stranger at the terminus, must be thinking, why is she so angry is she that hungry? My stomach was shaming me. I smile in apology I'm just tired, I suppose But I'm truly just hungry, I know Used to be A working woman could eat Used to be A working woman could sustain herself Used to be A working woman never got into stupid fights with strangers Just for the reason they were eating and she hadn't in almost a whole day Used to be Usisi osebenzayo (a working woman) Would better spend her daydreams on futures of success instead of a good meal Okay 'a good meal' was too much dreaming "Maybe just some bread" All that was gone now What used to be had changed. What is, is her hunger equaling to her anger. It’s the scraping at her stomach Leaving a hot and acid pain in her tummy Making her wish she didn't have a bloody stomach The uncontainable panicked confusion of her mind As her brain tries to reason out why the body is going for so long, unfed The rising rage of emotion as she tries to convince herself to be at peace with the lack in her stomach The hot anger that arises when she thinks how It used to be at such moments she would go buy a scone Oh wait, all that used to be, is gone. We are talking about now. Now, Going home She remembers The day she spent trying to not look at others eat And anticipates The night she'll spend Try to find sleep After a supper that's Too ugly, too small, too unsatisfying To wash from memory the past day's hunger Tomorrow she wouldn't go to work How could she manage to So hungry I mean working all day without sustenance But not going would mean being fired Sitting at home to starve To watch children turn from thin and scrawny to just ribs and bone One works, one can't eat, Nor can her family, her kids, Used to be She could feed them just cause she worked All that's gone now Click on the file below to listen to Zolisa reading her poem: ![]()
![]() Zolisa Gumede is a Zimbabwean poet and story writer from the city of Bulawayo. She is driven by a passion for giving life to stories that speak for the lives of everyday heroes, the marginalized and all human beings, for we all need a witness to our lives. She loves a good laugh and a good story.
Hunger’s Curriculum Vitae Hunger Is communication That something is wrong With our way of thinking Either we have to solve It or we will perish Away with it! The stomach Knows no boundary When it comes to swallowing But sometimes there isn’t anything To swallow at all swallowing Thinness and diseases Malnutrition and Sometimes Even death! While also The food we Eating today is As dangerous as Poison slowly destroying Us from our appetite and their Deliciousness especially from our Ignorance! Food was never Complicated to eat like These days where You first read the Curriculum vitae Of your food Before your Swallow So as To know If you will Survive or not! Which leaves us this question If food has become this difficult To eat what will we eat what are we Going to be eating, today, tomorrow And the day after tomorrow? Are We eating anything? What are We eating? And what shall We eat in the future Remains our Question! We are traditionally known for eating Food! But if we are not careful enough This same food is going to eat us up All of us in return! What I also don’t understand is why Are we still starving to death yet this World has developed so much! From Traveling with airplanes to now Planning to live in Mars and At the moon! From having Traffic conjunctions to Having underground Transport system From having Technology In the cables To now having The same technology Connected to our bodies Like we are born with it yes it! We need to do something about our Food! We need to do something About what we eat and we Need to do something About ourselves Whilst we can And before We turn Into A Disaster That is too Big for us to Handle or solve! Do we really know what hunger is guys Do we really know what it is Let us carefully listen to it To what it has to say Even if it runs away From us let us Let us locate It and have A conversation With him lest we Can all strike a mutual Deal that benefits us all! If all this does not work then we will Launch a war against hunger Because he has been Destroying us for a Long time without Us doing Anything About It! The funny thing about all this is ever Since the times we started eating We never stopped eating! Continuously or with Some space in Between! Viva_2030_Viva! Viva_Zero_Hunger Global_Village_Viva! Viva_2030_Viva! Viva_Zero_Hunger Global_Village_Viva! Here's an audio recording of Mr. Chipeke reading another poem titled, Hunger's Curriculum Vitae ![]()
![]() Taku famously known as VaChikepe is one of the best writing poets from Zimbabwe. A two-time featured poet at the Bridgewater International Poetry Festival, he believes that poetry is a calling and he uses different states of mind, music and spirituality to define and express poetry. Throbbing Belly When I was six, I appreciated everything they did Honestly... I appreciated! It was probably by design, or It was probably by default... But I appreciated everything... They did...Honestly! Now my belly throbs like a growling bear I honestly enjoy every moment of being, Rebellious...Divided we’ll learn how to stand! Meditating on the last night I made my jaws dance, I become as angry as a fasting lion in the jungle. But a few years ago, I appreciated everything Honestly...I appreciated everything they did! They could tell me Jesus represented A certain race, Like what!? Isn’t that racism? But my belly was full So I understood where they came from But now my belly sings the songs of Kunta Kinte heading to the west, I comdemn everything they do! Cutting nails with my teeth isn’t a hobby But a poor man’s way of feeding... Call it what you want, cannibalism or Something but a man’s got to survive! They call it, “desperate times vis-à-vis Desperate measures”... Who’s got the ruler, To measure the intensity of the desperation? I appreciated everything they did Honestly...I appreciated! But my token dropped into the manhole And I no longer appreciate! I’m starving but... It started as a means of staying healthy Until my health began falling into the same pit That dinosaurs fell and became extinct... I’m hungry...Like I could join the Lord In his forty days, forty nights fasting And still find no food to break the fasting! What option do I’ve, besides listening to Lucifer When he tells me to turn the rock into bread? A no! Is the perfect answer but my belly is empty A yes! Is selling my soul, but my belly is empty! I got food on my mind and how I’m going to get it Doesn’t matter, as long as I’m not hungry... They said, “be careful what you wish for...” What? I wish for food in my mouth And how I get it is my business And none of your business! I used to appreciate everything they do Honestly...I appreciated! But I don’t anymore because I’m hungry And hunger will kill me if I appreciate them. Playing hunger games and I’m losing, Only if I can get her to dig my ways. I’m hungry to know her...But How do I get to know her when I haven’t met her And how can I meet her when I don’t know her? Like fifty shades of grey are my hopes And fifty shades of black are my chances... So it seems like, I’ll always stay hungry. I appreciated everything they did Honestly...I appreciated! But a hungry man is what I became From appreciating their prodigality, So please pass me a plastic plate, With fruits, even the forbidden Is now unforbidden because I’m hungry. ![]() Martin Chivaku, his birth and stage name, believes that poetry is a means of communicating with the world and as a poet, he considers himself a messenger or a tool to address issues that affect us on a daily basis. He has also written more than 250 poems and is still not stopping. He lives in Harare, Zimbabwe. |
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January 2025