Dinner if that be its proper name, but it was Supper this special treat, boiled shrimp in the strainer, side of fries to feed a family of five. At least there was whole milk, homemade sauces: mayo + relish = tartar ketchup + horseradish = cocktail. Grace. Then cleaning of each crustacean: shelled, deveined, de-tailed, de-legged, while sitting around a ship-wheel table. Each of the three girls with mother seated in mate chairs. Father, captain. Slender fingers working waste into a tall tower to Poseidon. At bedtime, singing like the sea, the youngest, nicknamed Shrimp silently oaring through deep-shallow waters of burrowing hunger. Click on the file below to listen to the poem: ![]()
![]() Diane Sahms-Guarnieri, a native Philadelphia poet, is author of six poetry collections, most recently COVID-19 2020, A Poetic Journal (Moonstone Press, 2021) and has been published in North American Review, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Sequestrum Journal of Literature & Arts, Chiron Review, The Pennsylvania Journal, and Brushfire Literature & Arts Journal, among others. Former high school English teacher, she now teleworks full-time as an Acquisition Specialist and is poetry editor at North of Oxford. http://www.dianesahms-guarnieri.com/
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October 2022