Hunger attraction “Stay! Keep a distance_” A talk to set people free For a slave master arrived_ Descended and made self at home In the East_ thus had to spread To the West, North and South Like the wings of a bird Ready to migrate... “Isolate! Keep in quarantine_” An innocent directive lifting guilty Repercussions to! summon the less And even the used-to-be privileged_ Into the shelter of insufficiency. “Listen to live_ to die!” The best option there is_ there was And there will be...because it feels better To live and die_ than to die at first glance Without a face mask and clean gloves. The world wrestles dirt and entirely Becomes cleaner than a whistle_ But when the referee blows the whistle The bellies carry cleanliness more than the food, It was just but supposed to carry in the, Pre-virus period -- hence godliness becomes Easier as the wholeness died of Hunger and thirst. No more brother’s keepers as the brother Lies on a deathbed coughing, sneezing, So feverous and in dire need to provide Food for his other brother but... The virus took the muscle back to the gym And watched weakness, panic and fear Awash the land with destruction. Where did the virus come from? Why did the virus come at a time of this? The aftermath and the present-math Is a world full of hunger and what’s_ there for us When the end just comes to an end? ![]() Martin Chivaku is a poet from Zimbabwe. You can find Martin on Twitter here: Chivaku Martin
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Now more than everThese poems have been submitted to the call for poetry "Now more than ever" Archives
October 2021