Bread in Hand But even after all of this farmers keep farming for every one of us They bend the sun and raise the earth each day for us They round each rough and tamp down these fears for each of us Yes after all of this They’re the bells of life for us And even after all of this the grocers pickers baggers stackers sorters drivers checkers and sweepers too are here for us Like bowls of life they give us each our every day and so renew that sense of trust for us And even after all of this and just as much are those who volunteer to serve the soup The ones who help and give and care on our behalf Their hands and hearts shape our thanks -- No matter what else happens they are life And yes even after all of this These days seem like fields to us with shadows deep across the view but with hope there too a full green that grins as ever just like those who stand and wave bread in hand through all of this Click on the button to listen to Hiram Larew reading his poem. The link will open and start playing in the same tab. ![]() Hiram Larew founded the informal Poetry X Hunger initiative in 2017 as a way to bring two areas of interest – poetry and hunger prevention – together. Upon retiring from the U.S. Department of Agriculture where he helped guide international agriculture programs, he noticed that relatively little poetry about hunger was available. Believing in the power of poetry to touch hearts and minds, he launched Poetry X Hunger as a way to encourage poets to write about hunger.
Now more than everThese poems have been submitted to the call for poetry "Now more than ever" Archives
October 2021