An empty sack can’s stand up anymore. All the potatoes are gone, and it lays silently on the floor. When will it be filled again? Will it be a day or a month, the children patiently wait! We tend to buy more food than we will ever eat; then throw away the remains. Hunger pains are felt by many young children daily all over the world. An undernourished child should never be a factor in the richest country in the world; the United States. There’s no food in many ice boxes and sometimes there’s no ice to even keep food cool and safe. It’s not the child’s fault, we know this, but it’s exceedingly difficult to hide a child’s hunger pain. Sometimes, there’s no water for the family garden to grow basic vegetables to eat. No clean water to drink happens to many children everywhere, it’s incredibly sad. The silent tears trickle down their faces as they try to fall asleep at night. Even the animals are dying from the lack of clean water and food in many places. Yes, the empty sack is empty and can’t stand up anymore. It lays in the corner near the empty rice bin. No one should die from starvation or malnourishment; especially a child. This poem has received recognition by FanStory. Click on the file below to listen to the recording of the poem: ![]()
![]() Joyce Williams Graves is a native of Fredericksburg, Virginia. She lives in Fort Washington, Md (over 20 years) with her husband Glen Graves. She is a woman of faith. She has been retired for 7 years. Ms. Graves worked at the Environmental Protection Agency for 22 years for the Office of Inspector General as an Information Technology (IT) manager. She is an Entrepreneur and works as an independent skincare consultant (Jafra International) for 8 years. She has been a US Notary Public for over 30 years. Ms. Graves is a playwright. Her play is called, “Cotton Field to Concert Hall.” It was performed at the Public Playhouse (2017) and the Kennedy Center (2018). Her hobbies are painting, writing poems, swimming, walking, playing chess. Ms. Graves is a Numismatist (Coins Collector).
Hunger-focused Poems by Maryland PoetsCreation of this section and publishing the works of Maryland poets was supported by the Maryland State Arts Council. Archives
June 2021