THE SEED PLANTERS The seed planters rise early to touch the dew kissed earth at first light. Ungloved callused fingers reach out to feel the ground in anticipation. The beauty of fertile soil grows fertile minds to cultivation. For the feeding of all nations and various different populations. Green foot trails travel throughout the regions of the world. America’s golden wheat to Mexico’s amazing maize. China’s rice paddy promises to the green soybean fields of Argentina. The coffee beans in East Africa to the potatoes crops in Russia. There are farmers, fishers, growers, grangers, and sustainers. Many women on small farms plant the fetus life as they carry their fetus to life. The indigenous growers differ from some commercial reapers. Monstrosity colossal like an ugly parasite hooks in way deeper. On the underside of purity too much herbicides, pesticides, and GMO’s. Preservatives that end up in our intestines and arterial walls. Starving and obese children resemble one another from famine to empty calories. Large bloated bellies malnourished or full of soil and seed legalities. Will the crop kidnappers of pestilence and disease leave enough to retrieve? The planting season draws a slow inhale until the exhalation at harvest. We are the problem solvers that battle many common foes. Brothers and sisters of earth wearing humanity colored clothes. The harvest does not worry at the hungry because at equality's table all are fed. The circumstances of feast or famine are often inside calculating heads. A paycheck or regulation away- the focus is on profit not who is starving. But the strength of harvest favors none indiscriminately. While the needy line the streets everywhere for free food handouts waiting. The battle for access and education is what this crisis keeps stating. All life begins with a seed the soil covering cocoon for germination. Tears of god rain from open skies to provide the beginning animation. Brenda Bunting is a poet, educator and facilitator currently residing in PG County, MD. She is a published author, appearing in anthologies and online print publications and performs in the DC, MD and VA area.
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PoemsThese poems were submitted for the 2020 WFD Poetry Competition Archives
December 2020