The auction and donation campaign to benefit Feed the Children was an unqualified success thanks to you and so many others. Please stay tuned for the final report which will include auction and donation details.
Here's one of the amazing auction items that helped raise funds for Feed the Children--A quilt that its makers (Dr. Doze Butler and her colleagues) call QUITCH: QUILting to Combat Hunger. J C Wayne, T. A. Niles, and Hiram Larew wrote This Quitch, which was inspired by QUITCH.
Is this the shape of things to come the shape of satisfaction snaking through multitudinous existence?
Images of sustenance shimmer as jewels of snake's skin wisdom in the plenty of the world heart pulsing twelve
These squares of hope to cover us! How every stitch fights hunger's chill and wakes our dreams of better
The fullness of the table found in the fire of the heart's hearth in the glowing of generous embers
Yes, what a story told! -- The magic we can make When many hands are willing